How To Teach Your Dog How To Sit
You should start by showing the dog small, bite-sized treats. The best way of showing him is holding the treats in front of his eyes. You should then sit while moving your hand above his eyes. You should place the treat before his eyes and then say the dog's name followed by the word "sit."
For ideal results, you should say the dog's name clearly and firmly.
When the dog sits, you should give him the treat and praise him. You should avoid petting him while at the same praising him. This is to prevent the dog from getting up when you want him to sit.
If the dog doesn't respond when you tell him to sit, you should physically place him in a sitting position. Here you need to place your left hand under his tail and behind his knees. You should then place your right hand on his chest and tuck him into a sit. You should wait for at least five seconds and then give him a treat.
For the dog to get used to sitting you should repeat the process for at least five times a day. When the dog regularly sits when you give him the command, you should gradually lengthen the time that he sits. For example, you should allow the dog to sit for up to 10 seconds before you give the treat.
In addition to giving the verbal command, it's also wise to include a visual command. For example, you should hold your hand out and the palm up. You should then slowly lower it and say, "sit." You should continue training the dog and eventually remove the verbal command. When he obeys the visual command you should praise and treat him.
For the dog to easily learn you should avoid scolding him verbally. You should also avoid punishing him when he doesn't do what you expect. Remember that dogs respond poorly to negative training. When you scold or punish him, you will end up causing him to fear you which will make it harder for you to train him.

Always be positive in your work and ensure that the dog performs a sit even if it's for a brief period. For the dog to be calm, it's wise that you train him in busy areas.
We provide Essex dog training services; therefore, if you have a dog that you want trained you should highly consider visiting us at