Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dog

Dogs are often referred to as man's best friend. However, not every dog breed is friendly with every human. Therefore, the importance of choosing a breed cannot be overstated. One greatest tragedy for most dog breeds is the fact that many dog owners abandon their animal friend when they grow from being puppys. It is advisable for the owners to understand while puppies are cute, playful and friendly, they will grow into dogs and stop being puppys. Consequently, when choosing a dog it is advisable to take into consideration the long-term. This will help you get a companion that will be cherished for many years to come. The factors to consider when choosing a dog include: · Temperament It is important to understand small and large dogs have different temperament- puppies are more temperament, making it possible to mould them through training and socialization. Furthermore, different breeds have different temperament. The temperament characteristics you may consider include: Sensitivity, loyalty, aggression & protectiveness, intelligence, compatibility with other pets (i.e. cats or horses) and energy, playfulness & activity level. Some dog breeds like Cocker Spaniels and Golden Retrievers are often more friendly and outgoing, while others like Bull Terrier and Bull Mastiff are more aggressive. Ideally, the choice of dog should be pegged on your needs. If you are interested in having a protective animal or a guard dog, an aggressive dog is a good idea. However, if you are interested in having a family pet, an easygoing breed is a better choice. · Size The size of the animal is an important factor when choosing a dog. Naturally, big dog breeds, such as Retrievers, German shepherd and Great Danes require more space indoors and outdoors. This is particularly important for exercise. On the other hand, smaller dog breeds like the Toy Poodles, Maltese and Chihuahuas are ideal for smaller environments like mobile homes, apartments and senior care centers. However, if you are planning to buy a dog purely on the basis of small size, this does not always translate to gentler temperament or less care. · Family needs Large dogs make better companions for small children, who often handle smaller dogs like toys, exposing them to harm. Some breeds are excessively protective or loyal, and thus may not make socially active companions. The constant intrusion, particularly by strangers can stress the dog. Families who are allergic to animals should consider hypo-allergic dog breeds such as Maltese, Poodles and Shih Tzu. Although no dog is totally no-allergic, certain dog breeds shed less, making them better companions for allergy sufferers. We provide the best info about large dogs. For further details please visit the provided link. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mkamba_M_Juke Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8406567

