Importance of Dog Exercise

If you are planning to own a pet dog it is important that consider the dog's size, temperaments, cost and suitability to family members. All dogs, including small and giant dog breeds, regardless of their temperament require several supplies, including: Food, treats, water bowls, crates for travelling, grooming supplies, periodic vaccinations & health care, collar & leash, dog-bedding and toys. Large dog breeds often demand greater food expenses, while other breeds require more medical care. Therefore, it is advisable to consider your financial ability before choosing a breed. By considering these factors, you take responsibility in selecting an appropriate companion, cherished by all family members, for many years to come. As a dog owner, it is advisable to provide your dog with the best home and companionship. Importance of exercise Dogs are active and are often bred for various purposes including providing protection, herding livestock and hunting. Wild dogs spend most of their day time scavenging & hunting for food, playing with other dogs and defending territory. They lead a complex and busy life, solving simple problems and interacting socially. Unfortunately, the dogs we have in most homes are often confined, inactive and alone, for most parts of the day. The inability to fully exercise their natural physical and mental tendencies contributes to many behavioral problems. The best a dog owner can do under such circumstances is to schedule some exercises. · Problems for lack of exercise Dogs, like children, need to be given something active to do. Otherwise, they will channel their energies in doing something that you may not like. Dogs that do not exercise exhibit certain behavioral problems including destructive digging, scratching and chewing. They also exhibit investigative behaviors, such as garbage raiding. Attention-getting behaviors such as barking and whining are also common. The dog engages in rough play, play biting, excessive social play & predatory, jumping on people and knocking over furniture. · Benefits of exercise Keeping dogs, and particularly large dog breeds out of trouble, healthy and happy is possible with daily exercise. In addition to being fun, exercise offers the following benefits: Keeps weight under control; gets the dog feeling sleepy (rather than being restless when you are relaxing or at bed time); builds trust & confidence in fearful or timid dogs; reduces digestive problems & constipation; and keeps dog agile, limber & healthy. Furthermore, excessive barking, hyperactivity, chewing and digging is reduced or eliminated with a good exercise. · Caution about exercise Before starting the dog's exercise program it is advisable to check out with the veterinarian. The dog's veterinarian will be able to check the animal to determine whether certain exercises can aggravate its health, to suggest safe activities. Giant dog breeds are prone to arthritis, hip dysplasia and ligament injuries. Therefore, sustained jogging is likely to exert too much pressure on their bones and joints. If you have a large dog, it is advisable to condition it before starting jogging together. We provide the best info about giant dog breeds. For further details please visit the provided link. Article Source: Article Source:

