Your dog loves you even though you are not perfect. But you can still give perfect love with great care. And I'll show you how.
Inexpensive Dog Toys

What are ticks? Ticks are small, blood-sucking arthropods related to spiders, mites and scorpions. Ticks feed on the blood of o...
The treatment for heartworms is different for cats and dogs. Do not ever give medicine intended for a cat to your dog or vice versa. Once...
Dogs usually aren't too worried about consequences. They love to eat things they shouldn't, roll around in things they shouldn...
Understanding Kennel Cough: A Guide for Dog Owners Kennel cough, a common and highly contagious respiratory disease in dogs, is somethin...
Dog owners treat their pet dogs as best friends, companions, best buddies and partners in crime. That is why dogs can keep their loyalty t...
The first question is what are worms, then how do my dogs get infested, and then the next is how do I treat, control, or prevent these t...
Rabies is a highly infectious, deadly, non treadable viral disease caused by Viruses which include a Rhabdovirus called Rabies virus, oth...
Fleas are problematic can become a problem regardless of whether or not there are pets in the home. They are usually brought in on th...
German Shepherd They are one of North America's most popular dogs. AKC has the German Shepherd Dog ranked #2 in the US. They are ex...