Buying Raw Food for Dogs

Dogs on a raw food diet are naturally healthier, happier, and more energetic. They will face less health problems both in their present state and in the long run when compared to their kibble fed (or other dog diets) counterparts. However, buying raw food for dogs can be a challenge to some dog owners since there are several considerations to keep in mind. First, when buying raw food for dogs, make sure the food is human grade food or fit for human consumption. This means it is the highest quality raw food available. Making sure that everything is fresh and safe to eat is one of the keys to success when following the raw food feeding model. Next, make sure you buy organic fruits and vegetables. Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without pesticides or insecticides or any growth enhancers. This means the produce is all natural and good for your dog. Fruits and vegetables which are not grown the organic way is not ideal because the traces of pesticides and chemicals used on non-organically raised produce can be ingested by your dog and lead to health problems. Even if you wash the fruit and vegetables, pesticides and chemicals are not completely removed from the product. Be sure you purchase your meat from a reliable butcher who takes his product from a farm which does not use growth stimulants for their livestock. Like fruits and vegetables that are not grown in an organic manner, meats with growth stimulants is not an ideal raw food for dogs. These stimulants can give your dog health problems or create unnatural growth in your dog. When buying raw food for dogs, be sure to shop in the right quantities, which is how much you can store giving your freezer or refrigerator space. Keep in mind that different foods have varying shelf lives. Fresh vegetables lasts about a week and frozen meats lasts three to six months in the freezer, depending on the kind of meat. If you would like to store vegetables for longer periods of time, you can create a vegetable slosh in bulk and freeze it in the portions that you will be feeding your dog. When feeding puppies, keep in mind that they will need a higher percentage of protein in their diet compared to fully grown dogs because they're at a critical growth stage. Puppies will eat about four times a day in their first three months. Afterwards you can switch to fewer feedings. Older or fully grown dogs will eat less often than puppies, but if they are very active, they will need more feedings or a higher percentage of protein as well. It is important to keep details like these in mind when buying raw food for dogs so that you know how much of each kind of food to buy. For more details like these, a good place to get more information is from the ebook 'Going Rawr! Dog Lovers Compendium.' Its author, Maggie Rhines, shows you exactly how to choose raw food for dogs, as well as proper methods of storage and preparation. It's great for people who are just starting out their dogs on this diet and who would like to know more about how to implement it and how to avoid food contamination. You can check out the book's website by clicking on this link for more information: Healthy Food For Dogs: Homemade Recipes. The Complete Dog Food & Nutrition Guide - Ebooks And Audios Dog Food Secrets. Going Rawr! A Complete Guide To Putting Your Dog On A Raw Food Diet (view mobile)

